Sunday, May 18, 2014

Whole30: Two weeks in words of wisdom

Things are going really well for me even though I am feeling a little under the weather on my 15th day of my first Whole30. I thought I would share the top 5 things that are helping me the most on this journey:

1. Bacon...Here is a link to the bacon that is whole 30 approved ...if you use the search on the top of the page you can find some near you. We have 2 Whole Foods stores, both about 30 min from my house and only one of the two carries the sugar free kind. This bacon has been a savior for me during this process.

2. prep for an hour over the weekend. This morning I made a batch of mayo, boiled 9 eggs, made sweet potato hash, and browned a lb of ground turkey with taco seasonings, and cut up green peppers all in less than an hour. The turkey I can use on salads for taco salads. The boiled eggs are handing to have for breakfast (I make them in to deviled eggs) or to put in tuna or chicken salad. Prepping is a huge time saver and gives you quick fix options for the week.

3. When I do have time to cook, I make a little extra. Last night I grilled steaks for my son's birthday and while the grill was going I grilled some sweet potatoes and some chicken (that I will add some cherry bbq sauce to this week).

4. Every time I leave the house I take a bag of almonds or cashews, an apple, and a bottle of water for my purse.

5. Tea with lite coconut milk (I like the light one in tea because it cuts the bitterness but doesn't add coconut flavor). There are lots of different flavors of tea and it provides a great break from water.

Any time I start questioning what I am doing and if it is worth it I read the success stories on the Blog or in the Forum on Whole30.

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