Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Whole30 day 11 and feeling stronger

I was down for the last few days because I haven't been walking as much. Where I work they encourage us to get 10,000 steps a day on our Fitbits (roughly 4.5 miles). For the past few days I have been short on my goal each day, but then it dawned on my last night that while my quantity is down my quality is up!! Saturday I got my steps while pushing a lawn mower (something I had not done in over 15 years!) and even yesterday while I didn't do distance, I climbed 10 flights of stairs (w/ a knee that needs replacing I often struggle with the 3 steps into my house). I definitely view my increased activity level as a #nonscalevictory !!!!

I have to admit that I had a huge temptation last night though. I took my son to see a musical at a theater in a nearby town. In the lobby they sell hot cinnamon sugar roasted almonds. I love them! I bought some for my son and when he handed them to me to hold while he went to the restroom, I looked longingly at the bag. I heard a little voice in my head say "just one. no one will know." I didn't though, because while no one else would know if I had one or not, I would know! I would know and I cannot do that to myself. I love that mentally I have been strong enough in my willpower to resist temptations.

Here is my recap of my food yesterday:

Deviled eggs (3 whole eggs worth)
Sweet potato hash
a handful of blueberries

Steak with cherry bbq sauce
Grilled veggie kabobs
Sweet potato hash
Spaghetti sauce with smoked chorizo sausage, peppers, onions, and broccoli slaw served on zoodles (julianed zucchini)

Wishing you love and sunshine,

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