Monday, May 12, 2014

Whole30 Day 9- survived my first weekend and eating out

I am now on day 9 of my first whole30 and it hasn't been without challenges but the rewards outweigh any negatives! My dad normally mows my yard for me since I have had so many knee surgeries (1 on the left,8 on the right) and have arthritis. He is out of town so Saturday since I had less pain (due to reduced inflammation thanks to my diet) and more energy I mowed HIS yard and 2/3 of mine. Then I kept the momentum going and cleaned the house, made dinner for my mom, and some egg muffins for breakfast this week.

Sunday was the big challenge....eating out. You CAN eat out when you are on the Whole30, you just need to do a little research. Go to the restaurant's website ahead of time and look at the menu and the ingredients list. Call and ask questions. Lastly, don't be afraid to ask your server (nicely) for substitutions or changes.

3 deviled eggs (6 halves)
Best dinner date ever!!

Chicken salad

Dinner...I had a date who ran with my suggestion to go shopping together at Whole Foods and cook
dinner together:
pork roast
mango salsa
brussel sprouts and roasted sweet potatoes sauteed in garlic and olive oil


2 egg fritatta with sauteed peppers, onions, garlic, spinach and coconut milk

3 deviled eggs
sweet potato with cinnimon

baked chicken breast with home made cherry barbeque sauce
balasalmic roased brussel sprouts with bacon
roasted cauliflower with garlic


3 eggs scrambled
2 slices of bacon

Lunch at Outback Steakhouse:
My Mother's Day meal at Outback Steakhouse
Steamed broccoli (hold the butter)
baked sweet potato (plain)
Steak grilled with salt and pepper only

Spicy coconut shrimp
fried plantanes
grilled zuchinni
pumpkin custard (dessert)

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