Thursday, May 1, 2014

Blogging with purpose

I am back to blogging again but this time with purpose. Sunday I will embark on my first adventure with the Whole30 program. As of right now, I am so psyched! For the last week I have been reading (and re-reading) the program on the website, reading the book, researching recipes and making up my shopping list.

I couldn't be starting the program at a better time. Being a single mom I often rely on my parents for help. My dad picks up my son after school most days and assists with homework. I go to their house after work to pick him up where we often have dinner with them. I treasure this for many reasons. My parents are wonderful people and my dad is such a positive male role model for my son. Also, eating with them saves me time and money. Alas, all good things must come to an end. My mom is retiring and my parents will be making a much deserved move to a farm our family owns in Illinois. My dad will be gone for a few weeks as they are making preparations at the farm for the move. Are you starting to see why this is the perfect time to do the program? I will be shopping and cooking for my son and myself. This will be the perfect time to try new recipes and start the process of changing our meal time habits.

I am ready to start this new journey and will be blogging about it every step of the way. Since as part of the program I cannot step on the scale for 30 days, I will share my start weight and measurements and will be taking pictures along the way as evidence of my progress. I will also be sharing recipes I love and how I feel throughout the journey. Stay tuned, Sunday will be day 1 and the start of something wonderful!!

Wishing you love and sunshine,

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