Thursday, May 15, 2014

Whole30 day 12: #NonScaleVictory

I can't believe this is day 12 for me of my first Whole30. I find sticking to this plan very easy now that I have worked out the kinks. I haven't snacked too much and am able to adhere to the regular 3 meal template. Last night I took my son to a pizza party through our church. I brought my own meal of sweet potato hash, steamed broccoli, and a chicken apple sausage. The pizza still smelled sooooo good! I have an allergy to yeast though and I just tried to focus on how horrible the pain was in my stomach following the last time I ate pizza. Worked like a charm!

When I got home and was getting ready for bed I went to remove my makeup and realized that I didn't even put any on! My skin is so clear and even toned just from changing my diet that I didn't realize I had not even put makeup on. Just another #nonscalevictory !!!

Saturday is my son's 12th birthday and instead of going on his Boy Scout fishing trip he said he would rather spend more time with me. I know it is going to take some extra planning on my part to make sure I have meals or can get meals when we are out doing things. We are going to the lake to do some kayaking and also planning on doing some shopping. I'll figure it out though!

Day 11 recap:

Deviled eggs
Sweet potato hash

Tuna salad with olive oil mayo and relish on a bed of lettuce and spinich leaves.

referenced above

Wishing you love and sunshine,

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