Friday, May 9, 2014

Start of Whole30 day not

So morning of day 6...or should I say day 3 since I found out that I didn't look close enough at the
nitrate free cruelty free  bacon that was in my sweet potato hash for the first few days and found out that it too had sugar. That is what I get for trying to shop with my son who rushes me in the grocery store. I was so bummed about it that I had a hard time falling asleep last night. Then my dog had an upset tummy in this middle of the night which kept me up for a couple hours during the time of night when I normally get my best sleep. I went to make breakfast of scrambled eggs with green peppers and ham...Boar's head ham is supposed to be compliant, but almost all the varieties at my local store had a sugar or honey glaze. I bought the boiled version since no sugar, and just before I was about to put it in the skillet I looked at the package and noticed that it has MSG in it. sigh....I cried. Maybe I should also mention I have possibly the biggest job interview of my career this afternoon. I'm trying to get out of this funk but
I'm am on the verge of saying "to hell with it!"

Or I was until I called my mother for support. Instead of getting support though, I got comments like "It is too hard and too restrictive." and "I don't think you can do it for 30 day. You should stop now and just try my diet." What?!?!?! My mom has been "dieting" for years and hasn't lost any weight. She eats to few calories and doesn't eat a balance between protein, fat, and good carbs. Newsflash mom...there is a reason you aren't losing weight. Stop subscribing to the archaic idea that you can lose weight alone by just cutting calories!

I am no longer sad. I'm angry and I am going to stick with this and add 3 days on to the end of the 30 to make up for the first 3 I messed up on.

Here is my day 5 recap:

3 deviled eggs (6 halves)
chai green tea with coconut milk

sweet potato hash (sans bad bacon)
leftover asian beef lettuce wraps

Chicken salad (chicken, olive oil mayo, apples, celery, chives, raisins, chopped pecans, and a touch of vinegar)
fresh spinach leaves

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