Thursday, May 8, 2014

Happy Whole30 Day 5!!!

As you can tell by the title of this post, I am in a good mood this morning. I slept great last night and this morning the sun seems a little brighter and the birds chirping a little less annoying! I'm guessing that means I am officially out of the detoxing slump that everyone goes through during their first few days on the Whole30 program. I struggled last night when I was watching my favorite TV show without my usual bowl of popcorn. I thought about eating an apple or having some nuts but
I used a modified version of the recipe from Nomnompaleo.
ultimately came to the conclusion that I wasn't hungry, just used to the mindless eating! I am so happy I had that realization. Regardless of how much weight I lose, that realization has helped make this process worth it!
I feel like I have a ton of support and resources to make this life change, which makes it all easier. There are a large group of us that all started around the same day that have a running support group going on the Whole30 forum. My 12 year old son is also a very good sport and has actually been enjoying his new breakfast and dinner options. We have also started eating dinner at the table instead of in front of the TV like we normally do on nights we don't eat with his grandparents.

Here is my day 4 recap:

Sweet potato hash
2 eggs scrambled in coconut oil

Leftover speghetti sauce and zoodles with leftover meatloaf cumbled in.

Asian beef lettuce cups with broccoli slaw

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