Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Whole30 Day 3 Recap...bring on the new day!

Good Morning! I am on the morning of Day 4 of my first Whole30 and I have to say that while I was still sluggish this morning waking up, once I started moving I started feeling a lot better. I feel like I am over the fatigue mountain and on my way down. Hopefully by Saturday I will be fully energized! I am really struggling right now with the temptation to step on the scale. For the last two years I have been counting my calories and weighing daily and it helped me lose 40 lbs. It is so hard to break that habit. I hid the tiles on my fitbit that allow me to count calories and talk about the calories I burn, so I guess that is a start!

Best thing I have learned yet is to not fear coconut milk! It goes a long way to cutting the bitterness of coffee or tea without making it sweet.

My 12 year old son loved the zoodles!!
Here is what I ate on day 3:

Sweet potato hash
2 eggs scrambled
Fresh blueberries

Taco salad (lettuce, roasted corn, tomatoes, bell peppers, avocado, salsa, ground turkey season like taco meat)

Paleo meatballs, spaghetti sauce and zoodles (julianed zucchini noodles)

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