Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Whole30 Day 2 recap and on with Day 3!

Okay...before I get in to how I feel today, let me recap my Whole30 day 2:

Sweet potato hash
2 Eggs scrambled
fresh blueberries

Meatloaf (left over from dinner Sunday night)
Roasted Cauliflower (also a leftover)
1/2 of a Baked Sweet potato (sprinkled with cinnamon)

Snack: roasted cashews

Taco Salad (lettuce, roasted corn, bell pepper, tomatoes, avocado (coated in lime juice), salsa, ground
turkey seasoned with chili powder, cayenne pepper, onion, garlic powder)

I normally walk about 5 miles a day but I started feeling really tired yesterday afternoon so I only got in 3 miles yesterday. That tired feeling carried over until this morning. I feel really sluggish and I know it is because my body is detoxing. I am finding strength this week by reading posts on the forum for Whole30. A couple things that I am struggling with are not counting calories and not stepping on the scale. I have been doing both daily for the last two years, but I know it is time to break the habit.

That is all for now.
Wishing you love and sunshine,

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