Sunday, August 4, 2013

Another beginning...Desk to 5k

Yesterday I ran and yes, I did it on purpose. You see, I signed up for the Desk to 5k program at work. In 10 weeks I will be participating in my first 5k. I am not a runner and have never been a runner but with the help of my co-workers and a lot of work, I am determined to run the entire 5k. I'm sure most people are thinking that a 5k is no big deal, including my family members that are all runners, but for me it is a daunting task.

I am 70 lbs over weight and have horrible knees due to my younger athletic days. Yesterday morning we did 2.7 miles in 42 minutes by walking 4 minutes and running 1 minute. Each minute we spent running was the longest 60 seconds of my life. I spent time last night icing my knees and have taken the maximum amount of Advil for a 24 hour time period. I was so excited to sign up for this program, excited to start running... and now... I'm worried that my body might not be able to actually do this. I can handle sore muscles...I welcome sore muscles because I know that when my muscles are sore that I worked hard for them to be so. What I am unsure of is whether or not I am doing permanent damage to my knees.

I know this post doesn't make a lot of sense. I promise I will start at the beginning.

Love and sunshine,

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