Friday, August 2, 2013

On how to close a blog post

I have seen many people ending their blogs different ways. Some people end a blog with a standard closing like "good bye" or "have a nice day". Other people end their blogs with a quote that was relevant to their topic that day. Another group of bloggers end by simply signing their name. And so I began pondering how I could end my blog in a memorable way.

I started by thinking about memorable television news anchor sign offs. Katie Couric realized the importance of a good sign off line by trying a different on each night and even askeing for suggestions online. Couric's replacement on the CBS Nightly News, Scott Pelley, had no trouble with his line and closes the broadcast with "From all of us, all around the world, good night." CBS Sunday Morning's Charles Osgood has a different approach and ends each Sunday with  "...until then, I'll see you on the radio." Peter Jennings used to end his broadcast by saying "For everyone at ABC news, I'm Peter Jennings. Good night." Edward R. Murrow ended with "Good night and good luck." Perhaps one of the most famous sign offs in broadcast history was Walter Cronkite who confidently stated "...and that is the way it is."

Many other types of closings can be found in other genres on television. Conan O'Brien used to end his show with a song which normally took place after the broadcast ended, but did on occasion make it on live TV. "Criminal Minds" on CBS ends each show with a quote as a take away for the lesson they hoped you would learn. We all remember Porky Pigs famous closing of "That's all folks."

Screenplay writers all know that the last line of a film and make or break the movie. The Rocky Horror Picture Show ended with the line, "And crawling on the planet's face, some insects called the human race. Lost in time, and lost in space and meaning." We can feel the love of family when Dorothy says, "And oh, Auntie Em, there's no place like home." at the end of The Wizard of Oz. And who can forget when at the end of Casablanca Humphrey Bogart said, "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
What are other closing lines that you remember? I encourage you to think about what you closing line would be. What is that one sentence that you will etch you in to your reader's memory. I close this with what I think will be my sign off. It stems from the way I used to sign letters to my older sister when she went to college.

Wishing you love and sunshine,

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