Saturday, January 3, 2015

Whole30 days 2 & 3

Day 2-3 of the whole30 for me should be called THE DEPRESSION. I have been irritable, sad, and weepy for the last two days. I am normally a little down lately on weekends when my son goes to his dad's house, but add to that this cold and rainy day, extremely painful arthritis, and sugar cravings. I am feeling isolated. With my mood today, I thought maybe I should walk to one of the bars up the street from where I live and watch some football and get out among others, but then I remembered I am on the whole30 which means I can't drink and they serve no food that is compliant. Dallas posted on the whole30 instagram page today about how necessary social interaction is and asked how many of us could give up social media. I know he was asking that to make us realize that social media is not the social connection we crave as humans, but instead it made me realize how little socialization I would have in my life if I didn't have social media. It may be a challenge that I need to take after this whole30. 

Okay...Pity party over!! Here is a pic of yesterday's pretty and yummy meals:

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