Tomorrow will be the last day of my Whole30 and I really don't want it to end. I have developed so many good habits that I look forward to keeping them! I started using a hashtag on
instagram when I began this journey that was #first30daysoftherestofmylife and I am seeing more and more how true that is. The Whole30 isn't a diet, but a lifestyle. If you haven't read it check out
Melissa's blog post about that just yesterday!
Here are just a few of my healthy habits I plan to continue:
Making my own olive oil mayo...because it is just good!
Having coconut milk in my morning tea or coffee.
Shopping around the outside of the grocery store. I love going to the grocery store and seeing that everything in my basket is fresh and nothing pre-packaged.
Trying new recipes and new foods and sharing them with everyone. I have tried almost 20 new recipes in the last 30 days. I'm excited about new cooking styles and new recipes that have opened a whole new world of food that I not only love but is good for me as well!
Shopping local. I have really stepped up in this area. I have become an advocate for local farmers and realize their value in our world, our community, and on my wallet!! Buying fresh from the local farmers market supports them and often saves me money on organic produce.
To stop being a slave to the scale. This is a big one for me. For the last two years I would weigh myself everyday looking for validation in numbers. Now that I have broken that habit I don't plan on starting back again.
Yesterday's recap isn't very much since I am still feeling a bit under the weather and had no appetite:
Breakfast: 2 deviled eggs and steamed broccoli
Lunch: Baby back ribs with cherry bbq sauce
Dinner: Pork roast and cauliflower