Monday, June 9, 2014

Whole30 reintroduction delays...

Happy Monday! Friday was the start of my reintroduction phase following the completion of my first
Eggs scrambled with peppers, onions, prosciutto, and cheddar
Whole30. I added dairy back for each of my meals, but by Friday night I was at the urgent care getting antibiotics. I had been sick earlier in the week and my weakened immune system allowed for an infection to creep into my lungs. So needless to say, since I was already feeling horrible, I knew that I wouldn't be able to really gauge the effects of adding milk back Friday. I have gone back to eating whole30 again while the antibiotics do their work. Tonight I am going to reintroduce non-gluten grains as long as I continue feeling better. I will not try milk again until the end of my reintroduction so that I can get an accurate assessment. I can honestly say though from eating it on Friday, that I haven't missed it! My chai tea tasted strange with milk instead of coconut milk. I have always loved cheese, but I didn't feel like the cheese made my omelet taste any better. I did enjoy the sprinkling of Parmesan on my meatballs at lunch. So if nothing else the revelation that I have made is that if my body can handle milk products, they should be more of an accessory rather than a main ingredient.

So the rest of the weekend I tried to rest in between taking my 12 year old to a mud run and archery practice and trying some more new whole30 recipes. Some of the new dishes were big hit like a pizza casserole I made using a recipe posted by PaleOMG and making some modifications. My son, who normally doesn't eat leftovers, requested it for lunch the next day as well! Dinner last night was my favorite meal of the weekend. I made grilled Jamaican lime chicken breasts served with fresh mango salsa and roasted garlic sweet potatoes (done on the grill). I will be adding these recipes to my recipe section soon!!

Wishing you love and sunshine,

Friday, June 6, 2014

Whole30 Results and...the rest of the story

The results are in!! I applied for a new job at the beginning of this process and because of everything listed above, I had the confidence to go through the interview process. Yesterday, on my last whole30 day, I was told I got the job which is a huge promotion. I will be leaving the position I've had for 9 years! Oh and I guess I should also mention I lost 15 lbs, 3.5 inches from my stomach, 3 inches from my chest, 2 inches from my hips, and an inch from each thigh!!! All of those numbers are just icing on the cake!

Here is my whole story...

In 2004 I was having horrible mood swings and I just didn't feel good. That year I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and started on medications. That started a 12 year battle with medications to control my sleep, medications for my mood, medications to counteract the side effects of other medications. I gained 100 lbs which I was told was a side effect of all the medications. The doctors had to keep switching my medications because nothing seemed to really work.

Things changed when we brought a puppy into our home and my allergies got out of control and to diagnose it my ENT ordered a full gambit of allergy tests. Other than the dog, we found out I had a huge reaction to yeast and mold. My allergist recommended that I go on a yeast free diet. I went home and immediately started researching what kind of diet that entailed, but also the symptoms of a yeast allergy. I noticed that there are a number of psychological symptoms to anaphylactic shock. I started thinking about the times when I felt the worse with depression and anxiety and realized that those were the times I was eating what was the worst for a yeast allergy- fast food and preservatives. I immediately started to clean up my diet. Luckily my psychiatrist was very open minded and willing listen to my theory that I wasn't bipolar, just having an extreme allergic reaction and the reason we couldn't find a medication to help me was because we were trying psychiatric drugs on a physical problem. He tapered me off of my medication and I continued cleaning up my diet. 

In March of this year I was official dismissed as a patient of the UNC Neurosciences Clinic and have been medication free for almost 2 years. I have struggled though when it came to sticking to eating clean. I started paying attention to the mood swings I would have and think about how they were caused by slipping in to old habits. That is why I chose to do the Whole30 program. I needed something to give me the kick in the butt that I needed to do what is right for me, not just for 30 days, but to be the first 30 days of the rest of my life.

I can't help but think about all the years that I have wasted by not trying to eat clean when I first started having problems, but I won't think about it too hard. At 33, I have a long life ahead of me and this 30 day period wad just the start!!!

Wishing you love and sunshine,

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Whole30- LAST DAY!!!

Finally! Today is my last official day! I am excited and saddened at the same time. I really am not interested in reintroducing some things to my diet, but I know I need to do the reintroduction just so I know what the effects are of certain foods I may eat (or may not be able to avoid). So...I will do the introduction but then I am going to go back to how I'm eating. I am planning on staying paleo and mostly whole30 from now on. I'm going to work for a 90/10 balance.

I am starting to feel like myself after being sooo sick for the first few days this week. Yesterday I went walking for the first time after three days of barely moving. I managed to get 6 miles done without feeling too bad, although I am a little dehydrated still.

Stay tuned for before and after pics, measurements, and weights.

Yesterday's recap:

Scrambled eggs
Steamed broccoli

Chicken soup

Tuna salad w/ olive oil mayo and
fresh spinach leaves

Wishing you love and sunshine,

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Whole30 2 days left and things I will keep doing

Tomorrow will be the last day of my Whole30 and I really don't want it to end. I have developed so many good habits that I look forward to keeping them! I started using a hashtag on instagram when I began this journey that was #first30daysoftherestofmylife and I am seeing more and more how true that is. The Whole30 isn't a diet, but a lifestyle. If you haven't read it check out Melissa's blog post about that just yesterday!

Here are just a few of my healthy habits I plan to continue:

1. Making my own olive oil mayo...because it is just good!
2. Having coconut milk in my morning tea or coffee.
3. Shopping around the outside of the grocery store. I love going to the grocery store and seeing that everything in my basket is fresh and nothing pre-packaged.
4. Trying new recipes and new foods and sharing them with everyone. I have tried almost 20 new recipes in the last 30 days. I'm excited about new cooking styles and new recipes that have opened a whole new world of food that I not only love but is good for me as well!
5. Shopping local. I have really stepped up in this area. I have become an advocate for local farmers and realize their value in our world, our community, and on my wallet!! Buying fresh from the local farmers market supports them and often saves me money on organic produce.
6. To stop being a slave to the scale. This is a big one for me. For the last two years I would weigh myself everyday looking for validation in numbers. Now that I have broken that habit I don't plan on starting back again.

Yesterday's recap isn't very much since I am still feeling a bit under the weather and had no appetite:
Breakfast: 2 deviled eggs and steamed broccoli
Lunch: Baby back ribs with cherry bbq sauce
Dinner: Pork roast and cauliflower

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Whole30 day 32- new challenge I overcame

So, if you have been following my journey you know that I have to do 34 days due to non-compliant
bacon in the beginning. I am now on day 32 and while I have had many challenges, I hit the hardest one yet on Sunday morning. I woke up that morning with a slightly sore throat, but by that afternoon I was running a fever. Now, I am the type of person that can have full blown pneumonia and never run a fever so this was really unusual. I spent all day Sunday and Monday in bed and napped more than I have ever napped before. To make matters worse, I didn't drink enough water on Saturday because of the BBQ I hosted and was already dehydrated before the fever kicked in. Don't worry though, I got through it and stayed compliant even though a few tears were shed out of misery and frustration! I sipped herbal tea and the broth from chicken soup, gargled salt water, and discovered the wonder of an epson salt bath to help with the leg cramps I had from dehydration.

I am now feeling about 75% better and am thankful I didn't make myself more miserable by reaching for comfort foods I would have in the past. As I am wrapping up my first whole30, I'm thinking about everything that I've learned from this process and I'll be sharing those tidbits over the next few days. Here are a couple to get me started:

1. coconut is extremely versatile i.e. coconut oil, coconut aminos, coconut milk....
2. The term SWYPO (Sex With Your Pants On) makes me smile but is a great analogy and we all too often try to make substitutions to what we are eating but those substitutions aren't always good.

Wishing you love and sunshine,