So I definitely have something wrong with the cartilage in my left knee and had an MRI last Friday. I see my doctor again on Sept. 11, so to prevent from making the injury worse before I know what I am dealing with I remain taking it easy with my workouts. I may be sidelined for the injury, but I refuse to let it pull me from the game. I remain committed to the promise I made myself to live a healthy lifestyle. So here is what I have been doing for the last two weeks... I have been walking when I am able to do so with out much pain. I have been doing more yoga concentrating on stretching and working on strengthening my core muscles.
The big thing that I have been doing though is focusing on what I am putting in to my body. When sidelined by an injury it is easy to get depressed and reach for the comfort foods that I have found really fuel my yeast allergy and in turn causes instant weight gain and more depression. I have really focused on clean eating. I've spent the past few days researching freezer meals and am looking forward to cooking on Saturday to stock my freezer with a month's worth of healthy meals. My decision to try this came from Monday night. We went to the zoo on Monday and after 5 hours of walking and an hour drive home, I was tired and not looking forward to cooking. I did cook however and realized that I need to come up with a plan for meals on nights like that so I am not tempted to eat out. So, I have my shopping list ready and my recipes printed out and Saturday will be my cooking day and if everything goes as planned, I should have 6 dishes that will make 12 meals ready to go in less than two hours.
Wishing you love and sunshine,